I knew that it would be hard not to draw a super hero for this weeks topic.
Since I already drew the XMen for the Phoenix topic a couple of weeks back, I decided to draw a super hero character that we created on a recent trip to Virginia.
On nights when we would stay at a hotel I would put the two boys to bed with a story of "Super Baby Emma"
She was of course based on their then 6 month old sister who thought it was great fun to be held up and fly around as I used her to tell the story. She was featured in stories like, "Diaper Delimma", The Binky Burgalar", and "Poo Poo to you."
This image show's her being held up to fly and what she might be imagining.
I believe I'll color it with markers and colored pencils, but I don't know if I'll have time to this week.