I'll continue to do that. I like to do that.
Lately I have been experiencing some "creative dissatisfaction" with the career.
I used to like to write a bit but never thought I was good at it. I'm not the type to let that stop me,
so I've decided to take some initiative and start creating projects for my illustrations.
I know my current limitations so the first one won't be the next Harry Potter. It will be a basic board book.
It's a color book featuring birds.
Each bird would have a 2 page spread.
The idea is to take the red bird and paint it in a monochromatic red scheme.
The green bird in a monochromatic green scheme, and so on, and so on.
So here's what I have for the first go round of roughs.
Red bird.
He'll be skipping down the sidewalk next to the street, probably with a picket fence in the far background.
Orange bird.
He'll be floating in the water. Maybe a fish will be jumping out of the water to make that upper right space more interesting.
Yellow bird.
He'll be playing with a couple of yo-yos that will replace the O's in the word Yo-Yo. I don't know what his background will be yet.
Green bird.
This one's self explanatory.
Blue bird.
Option A
He's sitting on a stump in the Bayou singing his heart out.
Option B
Same thing, different bird.
Purple bird.
Option A
He's jamming on the piano. Think Jerry Lee Lewis.
Option B
He's painting a portrait, I know he's painting grapes right now, like Picasso.
Brown bird.
This one will be a bakers kitchen scene.
Black bird.
He's catching the baseball out onn the field.
White bird.
I know this one is repetition. I need to think of something else for him to do that starts with a W.
The final art will be painted in a combination of watercolor, gouache, and possibly colored pencil.
That's what I have so far.
Your feed back/comments are welcome.
A few questions...
1. Are the birds interesting enough.
2. Are the pages too crowded. Laid out well?
3. Is one character enough per page?