It's winter and there's no snow in the Mid West, Indiana to be specific, so of course my mind is on how a coating of fresh fallen snow makes the world around you seem so peaceful.
When I think of snow I think of snowmen. So I usually draw a lot of them during this tiime of year.
For this image I decided at the beginning that I wanted a banner that said "PEACE" and a snowman. Other than that I had no idea what the image would contain.
As I was sketching out the pole and snowman I had to put down my sketchbook and take a candy cane away from my 11 month old daughter so she wouldn't choke on the wrapper or the candy cane for that matter.
When I sat back down and started sketching I found myself drawing the snow man holding candy canes. Go figure.
Well he had to have the canes for a reason so I started adding animals who were holding candy canes that they had gotten, and those that were still waiting to get one.
So the snowman is spreading peace by sharing.